Information For Patients at Ottawa Vision Therapy

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Gaining Visual Control 

Ottawa Vision Therapy is dedicated to helping patients with vision issues that are affecting their learning, work, reading, attention, and day-to-day living.

Our expert team will provide comprehensive binocular vision assessments, including pediatric and special needs examinations.

We also offer evaluations for:

  • Learning disabilities
  • Visual perception
  • Vision training & orthoptics
  • Traumatic brain injuries & concussions
  • Sports vision

If you think you or your child could benefit from vision therapy, please get in touch with us to get started.

What is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy helps to restore visual system impairments that prevent the full use of your eyes and brain. Vision therapy is like physiotherapy for your visual system, helping you perform your best.

Depending on your needs, our experts may prescribe certain exercises or devices to help alleviate symptoms and improve your sight.

Visual Development

Our eyes develop from birth until our 20s. Early on, we develop certain visual skills. Sometimes, our visual system doesn’t develop properly or as quickly as it should. If detected early enough, many visual processing errors can be corrected through vision therapy.

Head trauma, like concussions and brain injuries, can affect the eye-brain relationship. Vision therapy can help those who have experienced trauma alleviate symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and light sensitivity, and regain the visual skills that they may have lost.

Let’s Get Started

Find out if you or your child might benefit from vision therapy by booking an appointment with our welcoming team. We accept patient referrals from family doctors, specialists, eye care providers, and more.


We are conveniently located close to the Queensway, on the corner of Merivale Road and Meadowlands Drive West, with plenty of free parking available steps away from our office.


  • 1547 Merivale Road Suite 520
  • Ottawa , ON K2G 4V3





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