Vision For Life

at Ottawa Vision Therapy

Living Your True Potential 

Our team of vision therapists is ready to work with you to carefully develop a plan that will work best to help improve visual abilities. We can help children with learning difficulties, adults and children with amblyopia(lazy eye) or strabismus( turned eye). and recovering from a brain injury or concussion.

We’re here to assess your visual skills and any irregularities, focusing on:

  • Binocular vision
  • Eye teaming
  • Focusing ability
  • Eye movement
  • Eye control
  • Visual performance
  • Visual processing

Why Vision Therapy?

We need accurate visual skills for school, work, and recreational and sports activities. 

Without proper visual skill development, or if our visual system is altered by an event like a concussion or brain injury, we could face difficulties learning or focusing on certain tasks.

Our optometrists and vision therapists work with each individual to determine the cause of their difficulties, then collaborate with the patient to correct and enhance their visual system.

We are equipped and ready to provide comprehensive binocular vision assessments, as well as pediatric and special needs examinations. We also offer learning disability/visual perceptual evaluations, traumatic brain injury/concussion examinations, sports vision evaluation, and in-office vision therapy, also known as vision training or orthoptics.


We are conveniently located close to the Queensway, on the corner of Merivale Road and Meadowlands Drive West, with plenty of free parking available steps away from our office.


  • 1547 Merivale Road Suite 520
  • Ottawa , ON K2G 4V3





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