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How Long Does an Eye Exam Take for Vision Therapy?

A smiling child sitting in a blue chair waiting for an eye exam.

Eye exams are crucial for maintaining healthy vision and addressing issues that affect daily life—like children with learning problems, concussion patients, or athletes. In these instances, vision therapy can help. But how long does an eye exam take for vision therapy? An eye exam for vision therapy can take slightly longer than a standard eye […]

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Building Visual Skills for Sports With Vision Therapy

A goalkeeper in a yellow jersey bends down to stop a soccer ball headed towards their net.

Being a competitive athlete requires a variety of skills and abilities. You have to be fast, strong, agile, and coordinated. But have you ever considered that improving your visual skills could make you a better athlete?  Improving visual skills like eye-hand coordination, depth perception, and visual tracking is a way to help with athletic performance. […]

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Is Vision Therapy Covered By OHIP?

A young child performs a convergence test during his vision therapy session.

Several factors, including the type of service, and eligibility criteria, determine OHIP coverage. OHIP covers the basics; major eye exams, and minor follow-up assessments, depending on the age of the patient.  Although vision therapy supports proper visual function and development, vision therapy isn’t an eye-related service that OHIP typically covers. However, some insurance providers may […]

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What Is Vision Therapy? Understanding The Basics

A young eye patient holds a colourful glasses-like device to her eyes and smiles at her optometrist.

Vision therapy is a personalized treatment program designed to improve and strengthen visual skills, enhancing the way the eyes and brain work together. It is a non-surgical approach to correcting various visual problems that affect individuals of all ages.  In this blog, we’ll explore the fundamentals of vision therapy, its benefits, and what you can […]

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